About Ma Rong-Di

Ma Rong-Di is a self-taught master bow maker. He was born in Shanghai and studied violin playing as a teenager. He began performing with a local military symphony orchestra as a violinist in 1973. He was steered to bow making as a result of having to repair an accidentally broken bow, and with success at that task came an increasing interest in bow making. He produced his first violin bow in 1986. Though self-taught, he benefitted from receiving critical instructions from Maestro Kuang-Xiang Chen. After Chen departed for Japan, he continued to develop professionally, no doubt aided by his considerable talent and a relentless desire to learn. He obtained four certificates of merit for a quartet of bows submitted to the 12th VSA Competition 1996. He was awarded gold prizes both for his violin bow and viola bow, and got the highest mark for workmanship of cello bow at the 2nd CIVMC 2013.

Since years he has restored and maintained two hundreds of old French bows and has studied a large amount of bow literature. The work experience and knowledge gained from his research and synthesis of the bow makers science have allowed him to become a good judge of bows. Characteristically, this knowledge base he shares unreservedly with colleagues.

His bows have been produced from the top grade material with precision workmanship; his copies of classical French bow makers' masterworks have reached an exceptional state of refinement, with matching playability. In them one often senses the art of an Eastern master embracing the spirit of French archetiers and taking it to an exciting new level. Thus, his bows, over 800 in number, are used by soloists and master teachers the world over and are highly recommended by the famed Chinese pedagogue, the late Prof. Yao-Ji Lin. His fine bows are also sold by Chaconne Co., Ltd. in Japan and Shar in the US. His bows are stamped in block letters "MA RONG-DI SHANGHAI".

Ma Rong-Di is a generous philanthropist, especially to the young musicians. He regularly donates his bows, through the Universal Strings Society of America, for use by the deserving talents. Approached by Feng Hong of Universal Strings Society of America, Ma Rong-Di volunteered to make, and donated, two demonstration bows made of an alternative wood to benefit the International Pernambuco Conservation Initiative (IPCI-USA), in support of their conservation research.

Ma Rong-Di is member of China Violin Makers' Association and of Universal Strings Society of America.




  馬榮弟的作品選料考究,製作精良,他所仿製法國珍貴名弓的復製作品惟妙惟肖,神形兼備。在演奏性能方面更是獲得眾多著名提琴演奏家的高度評價。馬榮弟的製作技藝精湛嫺熟,其獨特的純手工製作方法理念和製作工具別具一格,自成一體。眾多提琴演奏家都選用他的作品。如:著名大提琴家王健,美國著名華裔小提琴演奏家林昭亮、夏小曹、周曉甫,前佛萊芒歌劇院首席、前北尼德蘭交響樂團首席、前阿姆斯特丹交響樂團首席、著名小提琴演奏家鄭錦龍,帕格尼尼金獎得主宁峰和黄蒙拉,中提琴演奏家張立國,“上海四重奏”的四位演奏家李偉綱、蔣逸文、李宏剛和Nicholas Tzavaras,北京交響樂團首席、中央音樂學院教授梁大南,香港管弦樂團董事會主席劉元生,鄭日華、沈榕、范丁,2002年柴可夫斯基小提琴比賽的最高獎獲得者陳曦,柴可夫斯基青少年組金牌獎楊曉宇,小提琴家林朝陽教授,上海交響樂團首席張曦侖、大提琴首席黃北星,澳大利亞大提琴演奏家Alfred Hornung。著名的小提琴教育家林耀基教授向自己的學生大力推薦馬榮弟的琴弓。著名的日本Chaconne琴行和美國弦樂器銷售公司Shar常年向馬榮弟訂購琴弓。馬榮弟以“MA RONG-DI SHANGHAI”為鋼印標誌的琴弓作品給每一位擁有者帶來了無窮的樂趣。

  除繼續致力於琴弓製作,馬榮弟也熱心公益,提攜後生,他慷慨地捐出自己的琴弓給環球弦樂愛好者協會,供國內外青少年學生免費使用。2007年受美國環球弦樂愛好者協會創始人、提琴教育家洪風先生委託,義務為國際帕那勃科保護委員會(International Pernambuco Conservation Initiative)製作兩支替代木料的示範琴弓。委員會全球總裁Yung Chin、美國地區主席Lynn Hannings和協會亞洲地區總幹事Bach Chen特別致信鳴謝,在國際同行中傳為美談。


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